Source code for vis.analyzers.indexers.template

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Program Name:           vis
# Program Description:    Helps analyze music with computers.
# Filename:               controllers/indexers/
# Purpose:                Template indexer
# Copyright (C) 2013 Christopher Antila
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
.. codeauthor:: Christopher Antila <>

Template for writing a new indexer. Use this class to help write a new :class`Indexer` subclass. \
The :class:`TemplateIndexer` does nothing, and should only be used by programmers.

.. note:: Follow these instructions to write a new :class:`Indexer` subclass:

    #. Replace my name with yours in the "codeauthor" directive above.
    #. Change the "Filename" and "Purpose" on lines 7 and 8.
    #. Modify the "Copyright" on line 10 *or* add an additional copyright line immediately below.
    #. Remove the ``# pylint: disable=W0613`` comment just before :func:`indexer_func`.
    #. Rename the class.
    #. Adjust :attr:`required_score_type`.
    #. Add settings to :attr:`possible_settings` and :attr:`default_settings`, as required.
    #. Rewrite the documentation for :meth:`__init__`.
    #. Rewrite the documentation for :meth:``.
    #. Rewrite the documentation for :func:`indexer_func`.
    #. Write all relevant tests for :meth:`__init__`, :meth:``, and \
    #. Follow the instructions in :meth:`__init__` to write that method.
    #. Follow the instructions in :meth:`` to write that method.
    #. Write a new :func:`indexer_func`.
    #. Ensure your tests pass, adding additional ones as required.
    #. Finally, run ``pylint`` with the VIS style rules.

from music21 import stream
from vis.analyzers import indexer

# pylint: disable=W0613
[docs]def indexer_func(obj): """ The function that indexes. :param obj: The simultaneous event(s) to use when creating this index. (For indexers using a :class:`Score`). :type obj: list of objects of the types stored in :attr:`TemplateIndexer._types` **or** :param obj: The simultaneous event(s) to use when creating this index. (For indexers using a :class:`Series`). :type obj: :class:`pandas.Series` of unicode strings :returns: The value to store for this index at this offset. :rtype: :obj:`unicode` """ return None
[docs]class TemplateIndexer(indexer.Indexer): """ Template for an :class:`Indexer` subclass. """ required_score_type = 'stream.Part' # required_score_type = 'stream.Score' # required_score_type = 'pandas.Series' # required_score_type = 'pandas.DataFrame' """ Depending on how this indexer works, you must provide a :class:`DataFrame`, a :class:`Score`, or list of :class:`Part` or :class:`Series` objects. Only choose :class:`Part` or :class:`Series` if the input will always have single-integer part combinations (i.e., there are no combinations---it will be each part independently). """ possible_settings = [u'fake_setting'] """ This is a list of basestrings that are the names of the settings used in this indexer. Specify the types and reasons for each setting as though it were an argument list, like this: :keyword 'fake_setting': This is the description of a fake setting. :type 'fake_setting': boolean """ default_settings = {} """ The default values for settings named in :const:`possible_settings`. If a setting doesn't have a value in this constant, then it must be specified to the constructor at runtime, or the constructor should raise a :exc:`RuntimeException`. """ def __init__(self, score, settings=None): """ :param score: The input from which to produce a new index. Refer to the superclass :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexer.Indexer` for more information about what to require here. :type score: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, :class:``, or list of \ :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`` :param settings: All the settings required by this Indexer. All required settings should be listed in subclasses. Default is ``None``. :type settings: dict or None :raises: :exc:`TypeError` if the ``score`` argument is the wrong type. :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if the required settings are not present in the ``settings`` argument. :raises: :exc:`IndexError` if ``required_score_type`` is ``'pandas.Series'`` and the ``score`` argument is an improperly-formatted :class:`DataFrame` (e.g., it contains the results of more than one indexer, does not contain results of the required indexers, or the columns do not have a :class:`MultiIndex`). """ # NOTE: you should make the exceptions more specific, if possible # Check all required settings are present in the "settings" argument. You must ignore # extra settings. # If there are no settings, you may safely remove this. if settings is None: self._settings = {} # Change "TemplateIndexer" to the current class name. # You must provide "score" here---do not modify it. # You must handle the settings by yourself. super(TemplateIndexer, self).__init__(score, None) # If self._score is a Stream (subclass), change to a list of types you want to process self._types = [] # You probably do not want to change this # NB: The lambda function receives events in a list of all voices in the current voice # combination; if this Indexer processes one voice at a time, it's a one-element list. # The function receives the unmodified object, the type of which is either in # self._types object or music21.base.ElementWrapper. # NB: For an example of how to use settings, see self._indexer_func = indexer_func
[docs] def run(self): """ Make a new index of the piece. :returns: The new indices. Refer to the note below. :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or list of :class:`pandas.Series` .. important:: Please be sure you read and understand the rules about return values in the full documentation for :meth:`` and :func:`~vis.analyzers.indexer.Indexer.make_return`. """ # NOTE: We recommend indexing all possible voice combinations, whenever feasible. # To calculate each part separately: combinations = [[x] for x in xrange(len(self._score))] # To calculate all 2-part combinations: #for left in xrange(len(self._score)): # for right in xrange(left + 1, len(self._score)): # combinations.append([left, right]) # This method returns once all computation is complete. The results are returned as a list # of Series objects in the same order as the "combinations" argument. results = self._do_multiprocessing(combinations) # Do applicable post-processing. # Convert results to a DataFrame in the appropriate format, then return it. This will work # as written for nearly all cases, but refer to the documentation for make_return() for # more information. The string-slicing simply removes the ``'['`` and ``']'`` characters # that appear because each combination is a list. return self.make_return([unicode(x)[1:-1] for x in combinations], results)