Source code for vis.analyzers.experimenters.lilypond

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Program Name:           vis
# Program Description:    Helps analyze music with computers.
# Filename:               vis/analyzers/experimenters/
# Purpose:                Experimenters related to LilyPond output.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Christopher Antila
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
.. codeauthor:: Christopher Antila <>

Experimenters related to producing LilyPond-format output from the VIS Framework. Also refer to the
:mod:`vis.analyzers.indexers.lilypond` module.

The :class:`LilyPondExperimenter` uses the :mod:`outputlilypond` module to produce a LilyPond file
corresponding to the score.

# pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement

from math import fsum
from numpy import isnan, NaN  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import pandas
from music21 import stream, note, duration
import outputlilypond
from outputlilypond import settings as oly_settings
from vis.analyzers import experimenter

[docs]def annotate_the_note(obj): """ Used by :class:`AnnotateTheNoteExperimenter` to make a :class:`~music21.note.Note` object with the annotation passed in. Take note (hahaha): the ``lily_invisible`` property is set to ``True``! :param obj: A string to put as the ``lily_markup`` property of a new :class:`Note`. :type obj: basestring :returns: An annotated note. :rtype: :class:`music21.note.Note` """ if isinstance(obj, float) and isnan(obj): return NaN else: post = note.Note() post.lily_invisible = True post.lily_markup = obj return post
[docs]class LilyPondExperimenter(experimenter.Experimenter): """ Use the :mod:`outputlilypond` module to produce the LilyPond file that should produce a score of the input. .. note:: Perhaps contrary to expectation, you must provide a :class:`` to the :class:`LilyPondExperimenter`, and any part with annotations belong in the settings. """ required_score_type = 'stream.Score' """ This attribute allows :class:`IndexedPiece` to automatically import and provide the :class:`Score` for :class:`LilyPondExperimenter`. Otherwise you would have to do this manually. """ possible_settings = ['run_lilypond', 'output_pathname', 'annotation part'] """ Possible settings for the :class:`LilyPondExperimenter` include: :keyword boolean 'run_lilypond': Whether to run LilyPond; if ``False`` or omitted, simply produce the input file LilyPond requires. :keyword basestring 'output_pathname': Pathname for the resulting LilyPond output file. If ``'run_lilypond'`` is ``True``, you must include this setting. If ``'run_lilypond'`` is ``False`` and you do not provide ``'output_pathname'`` then the output file is returned by :meth:`run` as a ``unicode``. :keyword 'annotation_part': A :class:`Part` or list of :class:`Part` objects with annotation instructions for :mod:`outputlilypond`. This :class:`Part` will be appended as last in the :class:`Score`. :type 'annotation_part': :class:`` or list of :class:`Part` """ default_settings = {'run_lilypond': False, 'output_pathname': None, 'annotation_part': None} # error message for when settings say to run LilyPond, but we have no pathname _MISSING_PATHNAME = u'LilyPondExperimenter missing required "output_pathname" setting' def __init__(self, index, settings=None): """ :param index: The :class:`Score` object to output to LilyPond. :type index: singleton list of :class:`` :param settings: Your settings. There are no required settings. :type settings: dict or NoneType :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if ``index`` is the wrong type. :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if ``'run_lilypond'`` is ``True`` but ``'output_pathname'`` is unspecified. """ settings = {} if settings is None else settings self._settings = {} # dealing with output_pathname is a little complicated... if u'output_pathname' in settings: self._settings[u'output_pathname'] = settings[u'output_pathname'] if u'run_lilypond' in settings: self._settings[u'run_lilypond'] = settings[u'run_lilypond'] else: self._settings[u'output_pathname'] = LilyPondExperimenter.default_settings[u'output_pathname'] if u'run_lilypond' in settings and settings[u'run_lilypond'] is True: raise RuntimeError(LilyPondExperimenter._MISSING_PATHNAME) # if they didn't specify whether to run LilyPond if u'run_lilypond' not in self._settings: self._settings[u'run_lilypond'] = LilyPondExperimenter.default_settings[u'run_lilypond'] # deal with the annotation_part if u'annotation_part' in settings: self._settings[u'annotation_part'] = settings[u'annotation_part'] if not isinstance(self._settings[u'annotation_part'], list): self._settings[u'annotation_part'] = [self._settings[u'annotation_part']] else: self._settings[u'annotation_part'] = LilyPondExperimenter.default_settings[u'annotation_part'] super(LilyPondExperimenter, self).__init__(index, None) self._indexer_func = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Make a string with the LilyPond representation of each score. Run LilyPond, if we're supposed to. :returns: A string holding the LilyPond-format representation of the score and its annotation parts. :rtype: basestring """ lily_setts = oly_settings.LilyPondSettings() # append analysis part, if present if self._settings[u'annotation_part'] is not None: for part in self._settings[u'annotation_part']: self._index[0].insert(0, part) # because outputlilypond uses multiprocessing by itself, we'll just call it in series the_score = outputlilypond.process_score(self._index[0], lily_setts) # output the score, if given a pathname if self._settings[u'output_pathname'] is not None: with open(self._settings[u'output_pathname'], 'w') as handle: handle.write(the_score) # call LilyPond on each file, if required if self._settings[u'run_lilypond'] is True: outputlilypond.run_lilypond(self._settings[u'output_pathname'], lily_setts) return the_score
[docs]class AnnotateTheNoteExperimenter(experimenter.Experimenter): """ Make a new :class:`~music21.note.Note` object with the input set to the ``lily_markup`` property, the ``lily_invisible`` property set to ``True``, and everything else as a default :class:`Note`. """ possible_settings = ['column'] """ Use the ``'column'`` setting to determine which column of the :class:`DataFrame` will be used as the annotations for the notes in the outputted list of :class:`Series`. """ _MISSING_SETTING = 'AnnotateTheNoteExperimenter is missing the "column" setting.' def __init__(self, index, settings=None): """ :param index: The input from which to produce a new index---the output of the :class:`vis.analyzers.indexers.lilypond.AnnotationIndexer`. :type index: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param settings: A dictionary with the required setting. :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if the ``'column'`` setting is not in ``settings``. """ super(AnnotateTheNoteExperimenter, self).__init__(index, None) if 'column' not in settings: raise RuntimeError(AnnotateTheNoteExperimenter._MISSING_SETTING) else: self._settings['column'] = settings['column'] self._indexer_func = annotate_the_note
[docs] def run(self): """ Make a new index of the piece. :returns: A list of the new indices. The index of each :class:`Series` corresponds to the index of the :class:`Part` used to generate it, in the order specified to the constructor. Each element in the :class:`Series` is a ``basestring``. :rtype: list of :class:`pandas.Series` """ self._index = self._index[self._settings['column']] results = [self._index[s].map(self._indexer_func) for s in self._index] results = [x.dropna() for x in results] return results
[docs]class PartNotesExperimenter(experimenter.Experimenter): """ From a :class:`Series` full of :class:`Note` objects, craft a :class:``. The offset of each :class:`Note` in the output matches its index in the input :class:`Series`, and each ``duration`` property is set to match. To print a "name" along with the first item in a part, for example to indicate to which part or part combinations the annotations belong, use the optional ``part_names`` setting. """ required_score_type = pandas.Series default_settings = {} possible_settings = ['part_names'] """ :param part_names: Names for the annotation parts, in order. If there are more part names than parts, extra names will be ignored. If there are fewer part names than parts, some parts will not be named. :type part_names: list of basestring """ _IMPOSSIBLE_QUARTERLENGTH = 'Impossible \'quarterLength\': {}.' def __init__(self, score, settings=None): """ :param score: The input from which to produce a new index. :type score: list of :class:`pandas.Series` of :class:`music21.note.Note` :param settings: Nothing. :type settings: dict or NoneType :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if ``score`` is the wrong type. :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if ``score`` is not a list of the same types. """ super(PartNotesExperimenter, self).__init__(score, None) if settings is not None and 'part_names' in settings: self._settings['part_names'] = settings['part_names'] else: settings = {} @staticmethod def _fill_space_between_offsets(start_o, end_o): """ Given two offsets, finds the ``quarterLength`` values that fill the whole duration. :param start_o: The starting offset. :type start_o: ``float`` :param end_o: The ending offset. :type end_o: ``float`` :returns: The ``quarterLength`` values that fill the whole duration (see below). :rtype: list of float The algorithm tries to use as few ``quarterLength`` values as possible, but prefers multiple values to a single dotted value. The longest single value is ``4.0`` (a whole note). """ VALID_DURATIONS = (2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125, 0.015625, 0.0) # pylint: disable=invalid-name def find_highest_valid_ql(this_ql, recursor=0): """ Returns the largest quarterLength that is less then "this_ql" but not greater than 2.0. """ if VALID_DURATIONS[recursor] <= this_ql: return VALID_DURATIONS[recursor] else: return find_highest_valid_ql(this_ql, recursor + 1) def the_solver(ql_remains): """ Given the "quarterLength that remains to be dealt with," this method returns the solution. """ if 0.0 == ql_remains: return [0.0] elif 4.0 == ql_remains: return [4.0] elif ql_remains > 4.0: return [4.0] + the_solver(ql_remains - 4.0) elif 4.0 > ql_remains >= 0.015625: highest = find_highest_valid_ql(ql_remains) if highest == ql_remains: return [ql_remains] else: return [highest] + the_solver(ql_remains - highest) else: raise RuntimeError(PartNotesExperimenter._IMPOSSIBLE_QUARTERLENGTH.format(end_o - start_o)) return the_solver(float(end_o) - float(start_o)) @staticmethod def _set_durations(in_part): """ Set the durations for (:class:`Note`) objects in a :class:`Part` according to the offset values. Each :class`Note` will either occupy all the time until the next, or :class:`Rest` objects will be inserted so all the time is filled regardless. The final :class:`Note` will have a duration of 1.0. :param in_part: The :class:`Part` with :class:`~music21.note.Note` objects of which the :attr:`~music21.note.Note.duration` attribute will be modified. :type param: :class:`` :returns: A *new* :class:`Part` with modified :class:`Note` objects. :rtype: :class:`` **Examples** Input: [Note(offset=0.0), Note(offset=4.0)] Output: [Note(offset=0.0, duration=4.0), Note(offset=4.0, duration=1.0)] Input: [Note(offset=0.0), Note(offset=3.0)] Output: [Note(offset=0.0, duration=2.0), Rest(offset=2.0, duration=1.0), Note(offset=4.0, duration=1.0)] """ in_len = len(in_part) ret_part = stream.Part() for i in xrange(in_len): qls = None try: qls = PartNotesExperimenter._fill_space_between_offsets(in_part[i].offset, in_part[i + 1].offset) except stream.StreamException: # when we try to access the note after the last qls = [1.0] in_part[i].duration = duration.Duration(quarterLength=qls[0]) ret_part.insert(in_part[i].offset, in_part[i]) for j in xrange(len(qls[1:])): # the offset for insertion is... # offset of the Note object, plus # duration of the Note object, plus # duration of all the previously-inserted Rest objects ret_part.insert(in_part[i].offset + qls[0] + fsum(qls[1:j + 1]), note.Rest(quarterLength=qls[j + 1])) if hasattr(in_part, u'lily_analysis_voice'): ret_part.lily_analysis_voice = in_part.lily_analysis_voice if hasattr(in_part, u'lily_instruction'): ret_part.lily_instruction = in_part.lily_instruction return ret_part @staticmethod def _prepend_rests(in_part): """ Prepends rest objects to fill empty space at the beginning of a :class:`Series`. That is, if the first object in the :class:`Series` doesn't have offset ``0.0``, we add a :class:`Rest` at offset ``0.0``, and enough additional :class:`Rest` objects to fill the duration until the first inputted object. If the first object in the inputed :class:`Series` is at offset 0.0, no changes are made. :param in_part: The part to fill in. :type in_part: :class:`pandas.Series` :returns: The filled-in part. :type in_part: :class:`pandas.Series` """ if 0.0 != in_part.index[0]: durations = PartNotesExperimenter._fill_space_between_offsets(0.0, in_part.index[0]) offsets = [max(0.0, sum(durations[:i])) for i in xrange(len(durations))] for i, offset in enumerate(offsets): in_part[offset] = note.Rest(quarterLength=durations[i]) return in_part.sort_index() else: return in_part
[docs] def run(self): """ Make a new index of the piece. :returns: A list of the new indices. The index of each :class:`Part` corresponds to the index of the :class:`Series` used to generate it, in the order specified to the constructor. Each element in the :class:`Part` is a :class:`Note`. :rtype: list of :class:`` """ post = [] for i, each_series in enumerate(self._index): each_series = PartNotesExperimenter._prepend_rests(each_series) new_part = stream.Part() new_part.lily_analysis_voice = True if 'part_names' in self._settings: new_part.lily_instruction = (u'\t\\textLengthOn\n' u'\t\\set Staff.instrumentName = "%s"\n' u'\t\\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "%s"\n' % (self._settings['part_names'][i], self._settings['part_names'][i])) else: new_part.lily_instruction = u'\t\\textLengthOn\n' # put the Note objects into a new stream.Part, using the right offset for off, obj in each_series.iteritems(): new_part.insert(off, obj) post.append(PartNotesExperimenter._set_durations(new_part)) return post